The Dappled Downs of Stoke Damerel
Being the very middle of winter we do have some activity happening in our garden even now. Primula, daffodils, narcissus and cyclamen are currently blooming with crocus, tulips, hyacinth, grape hyacinth and snowdrops not far behind.
Our clean up efforts in fall were fantastic which has inspired me do do more clearing of branches, brambles and ivy opening up space for light. There’s a whole host of new plantings from camellias, azaleas, rhododendrons, heavenly bamboo, dwarf Japanese maple, bush palm and several wildflowers which will all benefit from expanded light. This spring and summer hopes to bring more colour to the garden. Kevin Kelland has agreed to photograph the development of the garden over time and chronicle our activities and progress.
I’m always interested in participation from parishioners in the form of donations of goods, services or financial. This is a community garden and everything we’ve done thus far has been through donations of several members already. For that I’m both grateful and inspired.
Next steps we’re hoping for is to either rent or somehow obtain the usage of a wood chipper to breakdown the over abundance of branches we currently have in piles. These wood chips would be used as a mulch on the west side of the church underneath the big stained glass windows to help in weed suppression and open up a space for seating and eventually further planting.
We’d like to plant a row of agapanthus along the wall in front of the church. I’d like at least a dozen. These would provide colour from late spring through fall where there’s no flowering plants currently. The size we’re looking for costs 9.99 each so again either donations of plants or money for these are being requested.
We’re always interested in ideas and feedback from all parishioners as again this garden reflects our community. We envision outdoor activities as our garden continues to grow. Bench seating is something we’d like to consider over time as well but with limited resources it’s one step at a time.
Please feel free to contact me via email at for questions or suggestions.
“A grateful heart, a garden is where there is always room for every lovely God like Grace to come to perfect bloom”
~Ethel Wasgatt Dennis

Keith Robus, 05/02/2021