
Harmonious and easy-going. The same might be said of both our bells and our ringers.
The present octave is the third ring of bells in the tower. In 1553 there were four bells, to be replaced by a Thomas Bilbie six in 1789. If our Whitechapel bells, installed in 1977, last as well, they should be good for another 200 years. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said of the ringers. The covid pandemic severely limited our ringing, but we were permitted to ring half the bells for a short time for services. Since then, we have again become free to enjoy ringing the call to worship on all eight bells.

We are affiliated to The Guild of Devonshire Ringers, and have recently relied on the support of other Guild members to make full use of the bells and the experience of the core of our own band. Visiting ringers are always very welcome to join in practices or ringing for services, and often say how much they enjoy the bells and the company.

If you are a ringer and would like to join us, either for a visit or more permanently, we'd be delighted to make you welcome. If the idea of learning to ring appeals to you, or you'd just like to come along to see and hear what goes on, do feel free to come up to the tower. You never know, you might embark on a fascinating pastime that lasts a lifetime, and be able to make the presence of the Church known in the world as you help the sound of the bells ring out across our neighbourhood.
For further information, please contact John Mitchelmore; Mob : 07800921538
Ringing Details ; Sunday 9.30 am, Practice: Wednesday 7.15 -8.45pm.
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Hubb Support, 17/08/2020